Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hotspots, virtual reality and apps lead the way in Indigenous startups

The Centre for Appropriate Technology, an Indigenous business, installs mobile phone hotspots along the Stuart Highway. Photograph: CAT

Those journeying along the remote Stuart highway in the Northern Territory this summer will be heartened to discover that large gaps in mobile phone coverage have now been filled, thanks to technology designed, manufactured and installed by an Aboriginal–owned and operated company.

Based in Alice Springs, the Centre for Appropriate Technology's (CAT) mobile phone hotspots will enhance the coverage already achieved through the three-year, $30m remote connectivity partnership between the NT government and Telstra.

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The hotspots concentrate a weak signal from a distant mobile tower using a dish antenna. The user places their smart device in a cradle below the dish to connect. Designed and built for remote, harsh conditions, the unit does not require power and needs little maintenance.

Twenty-two of the hotspots have been purchased by the NT government, with each unit costing up to $20,000. The roll-out follows a successful nine-month trial on an outstation near Hermannsburg, south-west of Alice Springs.

The trial was initiated after CAT was contracted by the Red Sand Hill local Aboriginal community to install two hotspots. The improved connectivity has enabled local artists at the Old Station art centre to contact dealers as far afield as Germany.

The hotspots have also allowed tourists to call for help after becoming stranded along a notorious nearby access track named Boggy creek, and will now be installed at truck stops, popular tourist sites and roadside reststops.

"This is another example of a product that was initially developed to help Aboriginal people out, which was then recognised as having applications outside of remote Aboriginal communities," says the chief executive of CAT, Steve Rogers.

A demonstration of Virtual Songlines, which aims to immerse users in a landscape and cultural environment that existed prior to European invasion. Photograph: Virtual Songlines

"Obviously the technology is good for emergencies along roadsides, but it's useful from a tourism industry point of view too," Rogers says. "Having mobile phone coverage increases the attractiveness of a campsite or a tourist experience."

CAT will install another 10 units in remote Aboriginal communities through a $186,000 initiative funded by the Aboriginals Benefit Account. Each installation provides the opportunity for employment and training for Aboriginal people in remote homelands.

Digital Rangers Ruby's Rock Augmented Reality. Photograph: Digital Rangers

"What we try and do as much as possible is maximise the opportunities for employment with the local community. So rather than flying in contractors and tradies from the nearest town, we actually go and try and develop jobs and training for people in community," Rogers says.

The inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enterprises in Australia's digital economy is strong. This is being fostered further by initiatives such as Indigenous Digital Excellence (IDX), a partnership with the Telstra foundation designed to convert Indigenous innovation into socio-economic wellbeing for the community.

There are other inspiring examples. Digital Rangers is a mobile phone app that provides a personalised guide to culturally significant Indigenous sites throughout Australia. Users download the free app, then purchase content packages relating to the areas they are visiting. The app uses the camera in the smart device to identify each site and trigger relevant information. This pops up on screen in an augmented reality-style presentation that can include a video or animated presentation of site-specific traditional stories and historical information.

Managing director Mikaela Jade, a Cabrogal woman, launched the first test site at Reconciliation Place in Canberra late last year. The Ruby's Rock site is a tribute to South Australian Aboriginal activist Ruby Hammond.

The app is triggered by stone artwork, crafted by Hammond's son John, that memorialises the resilience of the staunch treaty advocate. A hologram of Hammond describing her experience campaigning for Indigenous rights – created from archival video footage – plays over a backdrop of the site captured by the smart device's live camera.

The Ruby's Rock project involved working closely with Hammond's Tanganekald community and half the profits made through sales of the content package will be returned to them.

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"I love being able to talk to Indigenous communities about what's available and what is on the horizon because it's like sparks going off," Jade says. "I can take the virtual reality headset into a community centre and people are like 'Wow that's awesome, we could use it for this and we could use it for that.' And the ideas, they're incredible."

Virtual Songlines aims to immerse users in a landscape and cultural environment that existed before European invasion. Brett Leavy, a Kooma man, has been the driving force behind the project since he came up with the idea in 1997.

The program combines applied gaming with hardware such as the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset to deliver interactive 3D experiences. Based on historical information, it allows users to learn about the spiritual connection between first nations people and the land by interacting with locally specific virtual environments.

Leavy plans to develop customised iterations of the platform for tourism enterprises such as Brisbane's Greeters initiative and Newstead House, and Sydney's Powerhouse museum and Observatory. He has also working with Education Queensland to design versions of Virtual Songlines for primary and secondary schools.

"I aspire to showcase the spirituality and culture of Australia's first people in a way never before attempted," Leavy says. "Each of the school iterations will vary based upon place, historical characters, the regional variation of flora and fauna.

Impression of Gadigal land in Sydney by Virtual Songlines. Photograph: Virtual Songlines

"The starting point for the user will be based on their real world location. This is an essential project and one that preserves and protects the cultural heritage of First Nations people for future generations – be they black, white or brindle."

Source: Hotspots, virtual reality and apps lead the way in Indigenous startups

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